525 research outputs found

    Diseño de un Modelo Predictivo en el Contexto Industria 4.0

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    The Internet of Things (IoT), the development and installation of advanced sensors for data collection, computer solutions for remote connection and other disruptive technologies are marking a transformation process in the industry; giving rise to what various sectors have called the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0. With this process of change, organizations face both new opportunities and challenges. This article focuses on the modeling and integration of industrial data, generated by sensors installed in machines. The extraction of patterns is proposed, using data fusion techniques that allow the design of a predictive maintenance model. Finally, a case study is presented with a database that is applied to the Naive Bayes Algorithm to obtain predictions.Keywords: Industry 4.0, Sensors, Internet of Things, Pattern Extraction, Omnibus Models.

    Causes of disinheritance of children and descendants

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    RESUMEN: La publicación del Código Civil1 español data de 1889 y responde de manera fiel a la realidad socio-cultural de aquella época. Cómo es lógico; el paso de los años, los avances tecnológicos, científicos, económicos, las fluctuaciones demográficas... han derivado en una sociedad completamente diferente y es necesario que los códigos y leyes se adecúen a esta realidad. Al hilo de esta argumentación, el siguiente trabajo va a tratar uno de los tantos cambios que son, y serán, necesarios en el código ya mencionado para que este satisfaga las necesidades de la sociedad en la actualidad. Concretamente, dentro del derecho civil, vamos a tratar un problema que afecta al derecho sucesorio, esto es, la adecuación de las causas de desheredación a las relaciones paterno-filiales del siglo XXI. Para llegar a este punto y acotar de forma correcta el problema, voy a analizar en primer lugar la institución de la legítima y los problemas que plantea como límite a la libertad de testar. Más adelante, trataré la desheredación poniéndola en relación con la anterior y cabrá hablar ya en este momento de las dos sentencias -sentencia de 3 de junio de 2014, en adelante 2484/2014, y Sentencia de 30 de enero de 2015, en adelante 565/2015- que cambian y confirman al mismo tiempo el nuevo criterio jurisprudencial sobre qué se puede considerar hoy en día como causa de desheredación. Por último, parece adecuado hablar de la institución de la desheredación en derecho comparado para ver como otros sistemas jurídicos tratan el problema y si se podrían aplicar sus soluciones en derecho español; al igual que analizar el caso de comunidades autónomas, como Cataluña o Navarra, en las que el derecho foral hace que el régimen sucesorio sea distinto al generalABSTRACT: The publication of the Spanish Civil Code dates from 1889 and responds faithfully to the socio-cultural reality of that time. Consequently; the passing of the years, technological, scientific, economic advances, demographic fluctuations ... have led to a completely different society and it is necessary that codes and laws adapt to this reality. Related with this argument, the following work will deal with one of the many changes that are, and will be, necessary in the aforementioned code so that it meets the needs of today´s society. Specifically, within civil law, we are going to deal with a problem that affects inheritance law; that is the adequacy of the causes of disinheritance in paternal-filial relations of the 21st century. To get to this point, and trying to deal correctly with the problem, I will first analyze the shape of the institution that is based on the legitimate part of the heritance that belongs to certain heirs by law and the problems it poses as a limit to the testamentary freedom. Right after, I will deal with disinheritance putting it in relation with the institution i´ve just mentioned and it will be possible to speak at this time of the two sentences - judgment of June 3, 2014, from now on 2484/2014; and Judgment of January 30, 2015, from now on 565 / 2015- that change and confirm at the same time the new jurisprudential criterion on what can be considered today as a cause of disinheritance. Finally, it seems appropriate to talk about the institution of disinheritance in comparative law to see how other legal systems deal with the problem and whether their solutions could be applied in Spanish law; as well as analyzing the case of Autonomous Communities, such as Catalonia or Navarra, in which the provincial law makes the succession regime different from the general one.Grado en Derech

    Fast local search for fuzzy job shop scheduling

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    In the sequel, we propose a new neighbourhood structure for local search for the fuzzy job shop scheduling problem. This is a variant of the well-known job shop problem, with uncertainty in task durations modelled using fuzzy numbers and where the goal is to minimise the expected makespan of the resulting schedule. The new neighbourhood structure is based in changing the relative order of subsequences of tasks within critical blocks. We study its theoretical properties and provide a makespan estimate which allows to select only feasible neighbours while covering a greater portion of the search space than a previous neighbourhood from the literature. Despite its larger search domain, experimental results show that this new structure notably reduces the computational load of local search with respect to the previous neighbourhood while maintaining or even improving solution quality

    Lateness minimization with Tabu search for job shop scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times

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    We tackle the job shop scheduling problem with sequence dependent setup times and maximum lateness minimization by means of a tabu search algorithm. We start by defining a disjunctive model for this problem, which allows us to study some properties of the problem. Using these properties we define a new local search neighborhood structure, which is then incorporated into the proposed tabu search algorithm. To assess the performance of this algorithm, we present the results of an extensive experimental study, including an analysis of the tabu search algorithm under different running conditions and a comparison with the state-of-the-art algorithms. The experiments are performed across two sets of conventional benchmarks with 960 and 17 instances respectively. The results demonstrate that the proposed tabu search algorithm is superior to the state-of-the-art methods both in quality and stability. In particular, our algorithm establishes new best solutions for 817 of the 960 instances of the first set and reaches the best known solutions in 16 of the 17 instances of the second se

    Genetic fuzzy schedules for charging electric vehicles

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    This work tackles the problem of scheduling the charging of electric vehicles in a real-world charging station subject to a set of physical constraints, with the goal of minimising the total tardiness with respect to a desired departure date given for each vehicle. We model a variant of the problem that incorporates uncertainty in the charging times using fuzzy numbers. As solving method, we propose a genetic algorithm with tailor-made operators, in particular, a new chromosome evaluation method based on generating schedules from a priority vector. Finally, an experimental study avails the proposed genetic algorithm both in terms of algorithm convergence and quality of the obtained solutions.Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Spanish Government [Grant Nos.TIN2016-79190-R, MTM2014-55262-P]

    Intracellular redox equilibrium is essential for the constitutive expression of AP-1 dependent genes in resting cells: studies on TGF-ß1 regulation

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    This work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT-SAF2007-62471, MCYT-SAF2010-16198; PI070695) and Redes Temáticas de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII-RETIC RD06/00160002